How much can you focus? It is a daily life question which we face everyday. Nobody ask this question to us but we face this question during every work. You are reading this page because some where you want to improve your concentration and focus from average to better.
Table of Contents
How to increase attention span
There are various methods of improving concentration. Before going into detail we would like to understand why do we need to increase our focus. When someone increases focus the work becomes more qualitative. Here qualitative means the depth of effort can be visible in the work. Here the work could be anything like office work, workout, studies or doing something creative.
To increase focus a person can follow some steps. Like 1. Aspiration, 2. Rejection. Here the first option is aspiration, it means the fire must be there in the heart to complete the task. If the fire of aspiration is very low so it won’t be possible to put more focus. Here another option comes rejection. While we do something most of the unnecessary things come and that diverts us from the goal. So these things must be rejected.
How 5 minute morning meditation can help?
Morning meditation is one of the key practice considered for improving focus and seamless concentration. Here Why I am emphasizing morning meditation is 5 minute morning meditation can rejuvenate the entire system to put more focus into work. It will increase peace, happiness and the body and mind will more energetic.
If 5 minute morning meditation is increased to 10 minute morning meditation then effect will be more clear and the difference can be clearly visible. A person can do meditation in any format, that is completely personal as different people have different way of understanding so specifying any particular method would be silly. But if meditation is learnt properly then peace of mind can be gained easily.
Those who teach meditation, they have proper method which they guide during meditation. The way they guide the student has to follow the instruction in order to achieve and learn it easily.
There are various types of guided meditation. Guided meditation for sleep, for anxiety etc. Most of the psychiatrist use guided meditation for healing too. Please click the link to understand what Sri Aurobindo advised regarding meditation. Also you can click the link to refer the book to learn and understand meditation.
Hence, meditation in any format is beneficial. If someone doesn’t have time in morning he can do it when ever he is having time . By using sleep meditation music, healing sleep meditation can be done.