If you are an electric car owner, here are certain things which you must take care everyday regarding your vehicle. So some advices for electric car owners are specified here. We know that entire world is moving towards the revolution of electric vehicle. Some companies those who have successful products as gas powered cars are really stopping the production of their products and setting up new areas for production of PHEVs and Electric Cars.
Recently Lamborghini is one of them which has declared for their upcoming electric car. Stephan Winkelmann, the CEO of Lamborghini has stated that the first plug in hybrid super car will enter production soon. Any way some of the news sites are claiming that by 2035 gas powered cars will be banned and some of the states in USA has recently started working on this.
Please Read the article to know about Lamborghini Electric Car

Gas powered cars normally work on IC engine technology that is Internal Combustion Engine. But in electric car IC engine technology is not there, hence it works on battery and electric motor. So being the owner of an electric car a person must perform a routine check of it’s battery.
There are more mechanical parts present in Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) compared to battery powered car. Hence more mechanical parts means more problem and more maintenance. But in electric car less mechanical problem hence less maintenance. But still it has some parts which still does it’s mechanical work and a owner has to take care of that.
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Battery routine check advices for electric car owners
Most of the electric cars use lithium Ion battery. So this battery has a life of some years. Once battery life is over the best solution is to replace the battery which costs a lot for a normal middle class person. Also, if there is a battery obviously temperature has an impact on it. So if you are keeping your electric car more in snow cold or extreme heat of sun rays then there is a possibility that might impact the life span of electric car battery.
Charging the car battery also plays a significant role for battery life. There are many factors which impact battery life also so please go through below advices for electric owners to maintain battery health.
Charging of Electric Car
There are majorly three types of charging available for electric cars. Basically, if you are charging your electric car using home portable plug, in which 220 v current flows normally it takes 8 hours for the car to raise the charge up to 80 % . If the owner is over charging the vehicle or more frequently charges the vehicle then it also reduces the life span of electric car battery. Similarly if the car is left for a long period of time without charging, then it also reduces the battery life.
Any way most of the companies are providing good warranty on their battery so that if any issue comes during that period it won’t cost you a lot. e.g: Tata an Indian company is giving nearly 8 years warranty on it’s EV.
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Will Gas Cars be banned ? Take Electric Cars.
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Identify charging stations
It is quite mandatory to identify charging stations in the path where you are heading with your electric car. As most of the electric car companies have their own app in which the availability of charging stations are visible for their respective brand. So if the driver can identify the charging stations he will have a rough idea regarding how deal with less charge issue.
We have checked with many electric car consumers regarding the discharge of their car battery. The standard answer which we have faced is , you drive or not or you keep the car in hot or cold the battery will drain slowly as time passes. So our advices for electric car owners is if you are charging your electric car and just keeping it in the garage so next time before you take a drive you must check it’s battery and car condition.