Do you want to give NIMI mock test ? Here we will explain you how to give the test, for scoring well in ITI. Here NIMI stands for National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI). You can visit it’s official cite where you can attend so many question banks to score well in ITI for any trade. These are also available in various languages.
To take the mock test, please scroll and find the button in the mid of the page.
Table of Contents
What is NIMI ?
NIMI was earlier named as Central Instructional Media Institute (CIMI) and it was established in Chennai in December 1986 by the Government of India as a subordinate office under Ministry of Labour and Employment, Directorate General of Employment and Training (DGE&T) with the help from Government of Germany through GTZ (German Agency for Technical Co-operation) as the executing agency. After the approval for the grant of autonomous honor to CIMI, the Institute was registered as a society on 1st April 1999 under the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act 1975 with a new name National Instructional Media Institute.
Mock test meaning
Here are some general awareness questions which will prepare you for NIMI mock test, ncvt mock test and ssc gd mock test. Here mock test meaning is to give an online exam which looks similar to main exam. Here this online mock test will boost your confidence up.
Online Mock Test
Please click the button below to take the general knowledge practice test. There are 10 questions which you have to finish in 2 minutes. Once you click on Take test the exam will begin. Once you finish the test you have to click on submit button on the site.
Online mock test
In above test we have given online mock test for improving general knowledge. Hence such kind of questions will come in every competitive exam like UPSC or CGL ( Combined Graduate Level )/ SSC( Staff Selection Commission ) exam too. Hence we have created a general level exam just for the practice which will be sufficient to boost your general knowledge. If you visit the Quizes section of the website you can find more tests like that which you may find more valuable for any competitive aspirants.
In this blog we understood some basics how to give NIMI mock test or ncvt mock test.