MCQ test on Capitals of various Countries Welcome to your Capitals of Countries quiz, there are 10 questions you need to finish in 2 minutes. Select the capital of Bahrain Deselect Answer Moroni Dhaka Belmopan Manama Which place is known as the capital of Switzerland Deselect Answer Honiara Victoria Bern Tashkent Which place is known as the capital of Australia Deselect Answer New Jersy Canberra Vienna Sydney Select the capital of Slovakia Deselect Answer Belmopan Sao Tome Bratislava Dhaka Select the capital of Saudi Arabia Deselect Answer Bratislava Sao Tome Riyadh San Marino What is the capital of Sweden Deselect Answer New Delhi Freetown Stockholm Belgrade Which place is Considered as the capital of Uzbekistan Deselect Answer Freetown Tashkent Vatican City New Jersy Select the capital of Japan Deselect Answer Silong Hirosima New Jersy Tokiyo Which place is known as the capital of United Arab Emirates ( UAE ) Deselect Answer Sydney Tashkent Riyadh Abu Dhabi What is the capital of India Deselect Answer Kolkata National Capital Region Mumbai New Delhi Time is Up! Time's up